Today in the evening I went to meet one of my cousin grandfather. We started our conversation on film star Amithab Bacchan but the conversation ended up with my grandfather being nearly wept on the condition of our motherland India.
Actually he runs a business and the day before had a hearing of his sales tax case with the Sales Tax commissioner he was so frustrated with the proceedings that its effect was still on his mood. The case was not hectic on the grounds of any non- compliance of rules on his part but it was a usual normal hearing on which the inspector assesses the case and does the requirements as per the act. But the way in which my grandfather explained me the whole process I was astonished and now in a dilemma that what I and my country heading towards
Firstly he said me that the Officer was engaged in hearing of sum other person A gentleman who happens to be a businessman who supply orders to INDIAN ARMY when the officer asked him about the item in which they trade and other details he said that in realty he only “supply Bills” to the ARMY asked HOW?
He explained in the following way:-
When there is any requirement of any article or any other thing the ARMY dept calls from willing businessmen TENDERS and this is published in Newspapers, when all the tenders are received by the Dept the men from the ARMY calls this GENTLEMEN (supplier ) and tells him to send a tender of the amount lowest of other tenders accordingly then tender is being sent and is automatically selected .
and the order is given suppose for 10000 bed sheets .Now the persons sends him the bill for 10000 bed sheets suppose @ Rs 100 then the bill is for Rs 1000000\- of which Rs 500000 is taken by ARMY Authority and Rs 500000 by the GENTLEMEN. So in this way the business goes on …..
The officer on hearing all this did just said OK give me 10% OF the Bill the men gave the requisites and the hearing was over.
My grandfather said to me on this that “IF THE LOCK on the MAIN GATE of the HOUSE is DEFECTIVE then how YOUR HOUSE is GOING TO BE SAFE.”
He continued saying that when our turn came before seeing the papers he said “DON’T BOTHER I WILL DO THE REQUISITE BUT WHAT AM I GOING TO GET AS A TOKEN FROM YOUR SIDE”. He was given Rs 700/- for the duty in ADDITION to Rs 35000\- SALARY as a GOVT. Employee.
If this is the condition of the learned people sitting at high ranking then what is the difference between them and Beggar .it WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER IF HE HAD JOINED BEGGAR’S COMMINITY AS HE WOULD HAD EARNED BETTER THAT WAY .
The system is so bad that for a simple submission of INCOME TAX RETURN in the INCOMETAX OFFICE the CLEARK demands GOLDFLAKE (Cigarette PACKET). I interrupted him and said then why don’t they complain to higher OFFICERs “then you will have to give 4 packets and then your complain will be entertained.” HE REPLIED and continued
HOW bad is the situation that In one of the CASES where he WAS ASKED to PAY Rs 500\- when he cried that he cannot pay that much the amount was increased to Rs 1000\-.
Then were goes all that singing of NATIONAL SONGS “VANDEMATRAM”, KAR CHALE HUM FIDA, NATIONAL ANTHEM etcALL this had just restricted INDIA to JUST A DEVELOPING COUNTRY and WILL REMAIN DEVELOPING FOREEVER. With that the conversation ended as I had to leave for home.
I am a guy with positive attitude and I like developing things and cannot digest negative remarks I did not like he being full of negativity ,the way he was disheartened of his own countrymen that is why I thought that what can I do about it first of all was to PUBLISH this on MY blog, next I would publish that also if that succeeds.